
Sendhwa is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Sendhwa Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Sendhwa Tehsil.

Sendhwa Tehsil Overview

Sendhwa is Town and sub district in Barwani district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Sendhwa Tahsil. Total area of Sendhwa is 634 km² including 609 km² rural area and 25 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Sendhwa sub district, There are 78 villages in Sendhwa Tehsil.

Population of Sendhwa Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Sendhwa has a population of approximately 231,318 peoples which is divided into urban population is 56,485 and rular population is 174,833 The population density in Sendhwa sub district region is about 365 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 117,020 114,298 231,318
Rural 88,051 86,782 174,833
Urban 28,969 27,516 56,485

Households of Sendhwa Tehsil

There are about 37,027 houses in the Sendhwa sub district, including 10,108 urban houses and 26,919 rural houses. The average household size in Sendhwa sub district is about 6.25 person per household.

Type Households
Total 37,027
Rural 26,919
Urban 10,108

List Of Villages in Sendhwa Tehsil

Sendhwa district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 78 villages in Sendhwa Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Sendhwa Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Achhali 957.1 3561
Ajangaon 407.46 925
Amjhiri 930.97 2789
Badgaon 732.82 2048
Bakee Urf Goi 699.49 2328
Bakhatariya 411.06 1447
Balkhad 839.32 2418
Bawadad 716.07 1893
Bhamanya 445.18 1249
Bhampura 421.52 1496
Bhawargarh 0.45 683
Bijapur 502.1 1251
Borli 537.54 1672
Chachariya Pati 1570.1 8724
Chikhali 710.59 1460
Chithari 608.06 2757
Dhaba 102.66 1004
Dhanora 1681.51 6078
Dhanori 640.6 1824
Dhawada 896.73 2651
Dhawadi 690.63 3270
Dongargaon 879.95 1973
Ghaghar Kheda 592.46 1160
Ghudchal 681.19 1278
Gondi 186.71 413
Hindali 904.41 3120
Jamanya 733.29 1790
Jamli 806.63 2270
Jampati 682.21 1364
Jhapadipadla 1127.27 4199
Jhiree Jamli 1147.98 3050
Jhopali 2684.62 7778
Julwaniya 789.24 1298
Julwaniya 405.55 2619
Kakariya 90.48 184
Kalalda 809.88 1581
Kalapat 863.58 2052
Kamod 668.66 4092
Kamodwada 455.68 1795
Kelpani 181.65 2197
Khaper Kheda 208.6 2155
Khurmabad 1256.14 5466
Kirchali 617.04 1381
Kolkheda 348.38 644
Kot Kiradi 354.34 1263
Kumthana 622.86 1893
Kusmi 986.54 1337
Langadi Mohadi 854.1 2245
Lavani 1207.58 3519
Madgaon 370.97 1344
Mandeel 304.72 1051
Mehatgaon 636.04 1283
Mordad 1171.52 2032
Muhala 1152.9 3803
Nakti Rani 255.52 844
Nawalpura 694.94 2328
Padchha 1233.48 3428
Panjaraya 224.83 3281
Panjarya 451.51 1361
Pipalyadev 607.26 2066
Piparkheda 409.49 1037
Pipliya Goi 502.8 1620
Pisnawal 1320.63 4244
Rajgarh 498.25 1216
Ralawati 676.8 1324
Ramgarhi 124.22 1817
Ramkola 552.94 2123
Semalya 258.38 587
Sendhawa (R.A.) 932.81 0
Shahpura 716.51 3269
Shivanyapani 377.26 988
Sirwel 229.79 3497
Sivanya 600.53 1770
Surani 923.34 4981
Tighali 650.08 1629
Umari Urf Lakdiya 441.56 1628
Wakya 649.23 1868
Wanihar 486.07 2770

Frequently Asked Question About Sendhwa Tehsil

How many villages are there in Sendhwa Tehsil ?

There are 78 villages in the Sendhwa Tehsil.

Is Sendhwa is rural or urban ?

Sendhwa is urban area.

What is the population of Sendhwa Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Sendhwa Tehsil is 231,318

How many town or city are there in Sendhwa Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Sendhwa Tehsil.


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