
Rajpur is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Rajpur Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Rajpur Tehsil.

Rajpur Tehsil Overview

Rajpur is Town and sub district in Barwani district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Rajpur Tahsil. Total area of Rajpur is 732 km² including 715 km² rural area and 17 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Rajpur sub district, There are 98 villages in Rajpur Tehsil.

Population of Rajpur Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Rajpur has a population of approximately 213,216 peoples which is divided into urban population is 31,060 and rular population is 182,156 The population density in Rajpur sub district region is about 291 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 107,682 105,534 213,216
Rural 91,757 90,399 182,156
Urban 15,925 15,135 31,060

Households of Rajpur Tehsil

There are about 38,635 houses in the Rajpur sub district, including 5,692 urban houses and 32,943 rural houses. The average household size in Rajpur sub district is about 5.52 person per household.

Type Households
Total 38,635
Rural 32,943
Urban 5,692

List Of Villages in Rajpur Tehsil

Rajpur district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 98 villages in Rajpur Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Rajpur Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Agalgaon 474.94 1008
Atarsanbha 392.89 546
Awalya 137.74 171
Baghad 1249.31 3388
Bajad 516.7 758
Bakwadi 349.78 1003
Balsamund 750.08 3069
Bhagsur 701.63 2056
Bhami 898.62 2065
Bhilkheda 131.76 405
Bhorwada 693.26 2760
Bhulgaon 425 848
Bilwani 1005.99 2736
Bobalwadi 1510 2675
Borali 774.17 1654
Budra 486.6 839
Chautariya 1089.64 2254
Chhotikhargaon 344.9 1543
Chitawal 2055.33 4114
Damdami 365.24 612
Danodroud 1542.78 5383
Deola 401.49 950
Deonali 484.84 1244
Ekalbara 970.14 2409
Gawha 551.63 1000
Ghusgaon 989.61 2164
Golpura 52.93 301
Gondpura 253.48 814
Haldad 211.59 490
Indarpur(Rehatiya) 2453.83 4745
Jahoor 1414.44 2077
Jalgaon 827.36 2610
Jalkheda 1666.77 5138
Jodai 824.94 2229
Julwaniya Road 938.68 6529
Kadwi 539.91 710
Kasel 808.59 1832
Khadkal 382.52 881
Khadki 783.49 2166
Khadkya Mhow 384 879
Khajuri 1094.99 2416
Khapar Kheda 57.07 251
Kukadiya Kheda 778.81 2091
Kusmari 697.95 1370
Lachchhi 433.94 870
Lahadgaon 401.07 1145
Laphangaon 1050.56 2838
Limbai 911.12 2880
Lingwa 523.64 1288
Mandil 544.09 1114
Mandwadi 587.12 1525
Matli 824.58 1835
Matmur 613.48 1425
Mojali Buzurg 421.72 899
Mojali Khurd 358.65 642
Morani 1024.18 3209
Morgun 253.09 1387
Moyada 488.76 963
Mundla 402.1 1086
Naded 525.54 1925
Nagalwadi Buzurg 1550.59 5259
Nagalwadi Khurd 498.67 1400
Nandgaon 580.9 1301
Narawala 540.73 1556
Nihali(Jodai) 1346.59 2662
Nihali(Julwaniya) 497.8 697
Nilkanth 408.56 634
Ozar 912.67 6902
Padala (Kadwi) 750.22 1234
Panwa 1181.26 2877
Pipri Buzurg 920.98 1836
Raipura 416.3 1043
Rajpur(Revenue Area) 1660.63 243
Relva Buzurg 310.13 933
Relwa Khurd 389.51 549
Rengaon Road 1085.82 2148
Revja 1657.06 4225
Rojhani 551.2 1164
Rui 832.97 2113
Sali(Bhagsur) 448.22 2047
Salikalan 1462.04 3016
Salitanda 334 970
Salkheda 317.45 1376
Sangaon 425.97 2104
Sangwi (Than) 923.48 2567
Sangwi(Bhulgaon) 560.38 1439
Sawarda 499.46 1796
Sidadi 384 2665
Singun 631.44 2016
Siwai 462.02 842
Takli 732.03 1654
Temala Khurd 226.57 0
Temla Buzurg 551.71 984
Temla(Panwa) 833.56 1740
Than 856.44 1492
Unchi 440.88 835
Upla 1502.3 4060
Waswi 987.3 1563

Frequently Asked Question About Rajpur Tehsil

How many villages are there in Rajpur Tehsil ?

There are 98 villages in the Rajpur Tehsil.

Is Rajpur is rural or urban ?

Rajpur is urban area.

What is the population of Rajpur Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Rajpur Tehsil is 213,216

How many town or city are there in Rajpur Tehsil ?

There are 2 town or city in the Rajpur Tehsil.


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