
Shirhatti is a Taluka and city located in the state of Karnataka, India. This article provides an in depth look at Shirhatti Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Shirhatti Taluka.

Shirhatti Taluka Overview

Shirhatti is Town and sub district in Gadag district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Shirhatti Tahsil. Total area of Shirhatti is 946 km² including 937 km² rural area and 9 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Shirhatti sub district, There are 87 villages in Shirhatti Taluka.

Population of Shirhatti Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Shirhatti has a population of approximately 200,669 peoples which is divided into urban population is 54,364 and rular population is 146,305 The population density in Shirhatti sub district region is about 212 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 101,877 98,792 200,669
Rural 74,682 71,623 146,305
Urban 27,195 27,169 54,364

Households of Shirhatti Taluka

There are about 41,413 houses in the Shirhatti sub district, including 11,449 urban houses and 29,964 rural houses. The average household size in Shirhatti sub district is about 4.85 person per household.

Type Households
Total 41,413
Rural 29,964
Urban 11,449

List Of Villages in Shirhatti Taluka

Shirhatti district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 87 villages in Shirhatti Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Shirhatti Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adarakatti 1027.93 2366
Adrahalli 542.62 3068
Akkigund 1028.64 1557
Alagilawad 515.58 367
Amarapur 663.2 451
Ankali 501.01 525
Balehosur 3422.55 5970
Bannikoppa 2152.29 3809
Basapur 349.04 5
Bastiban 487.99 0
Battur 1428 2190
Belaghatti 937.88 1099
Bellatti 1726.59 6999
Bhavanur 539.84 670
Bijjur 415.71 1011
Budihal 865.83 1119
Chabbi 3402.4 3037
Chavadal 293.83 881
Chikkasavanur 1045.09 784
Desai Ban 2846.94 48
Devihal 1215.15 2502
Doddur 1440.96 1933
Futagao Badni 1218.23 3177
Gojanur 1843.96 3517
Govanakoppa 638.89 1073
Govanal 1241.62 1353
Guddadapur 252.26 512
Gulaganjikoppa 474.34 1153
Hadagali 598.93 510
Haradagatti 867.44 1540
Hebbal 1834.52 3352
Hire Mallapur 645.49 258
Holalapur 682.98 525
Hosur 937.24 1167
Hulgeriban 933.53 0
Hullur 761.55 1584
Itagi 1806.84 3451
Jalligeri 1832.5 1911
Kadakol 3893.52 3531
Kallaganur 380.23 442
Kanakawad 406.32 923
Kerihalli 461.85 618
Khanapur 236.49 5
Koganur 521.13 1602
Kokkargundi 807.68 884
Konchigeri 1587.26 2176
Kondikoppa 261.75 226
Kundralli 1015.7 2616
Kusalapur 826.56 679
Lakshmeshwar (Hireban) (Rural) 3129.58 816
Machenahalli 1227.32 2245
Madhalli 1690.9 2498
Magadi 2384.02 4666
Majjur 1179.68 1191
Nadigatti 586.23 905
Nagaramaduvu 707.88 1374
Narayanapura 707.93 1131
Nave Bhavanur 418.87 412
Nelogal 294.24 1237
Parasapur 950.84 1104
Pethaban 436 0
Ramageri 833.28 2872
Ranatur 1226.22 2502
Sankadal 278.45 536
Sasarwad 716.38 1079
Sevanagar 316.78 1919
Shettikeri 692.97 741
Shigli 826.98 11159
Shirahatti (Rural) 2516.89 0
Shivajinagar 684.05 1895
Shyabala 404.54 297
Sogiwal 1201.36 494
Sugnalli 1494.89 1950
Suranagi 3569.12 6657
Suvarnagiri 542.41 1202
Tangod 1144.89 1283
Tarikoppa 813.04 1082
Tegginabhavanur 998.63 502
Tolali 337.72 800
Ullatti 705.03 575
Undenahalli 501.97 1235
Varavi 997.08 830
Wadavi 1044.17 1158
Wadeyar Mallapur 372.67 665
Yalavatti 2523.95 4731
Yallapur 670.53 1817
Yattinahalli 1108.25 1569

Frequently Asked Question About Shirhatti Taluka

How many villages are there in Shirhatti Taluka ?

There are 87 villages in the Shirhatti Taluka.

Is Shirhatti is rural or urban ?

Shirhatti is urban area.

What is the population of Shirhatti Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Shirhatti Taluka is 200,669

How many town or city are there in Shirhatti Taluka ?

There are 2 town or city in the Shirhatti Taluka.


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