
Mudhol is a Taluka and city located in the state of Karnataka, India. This article provides an in depth look at Mudhol Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Mudhol Taluka.

Mudhol Taluka Overview

Mudhol is Town and sub district in Bagalkot district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Mudhol Tahsil. Total area of Mudhol is 934 km² including 929 km² rural area and 5 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Mudhol sub district, There are 78 villages in Mudhol Taluka.

Population of Mudhol Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Mudhol has a population of approximately 285,915 peoples which is divided into urban population is 52,199 and rular population is 233,716 The population density in Mudhol sub district region is about 306 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 142,961 142,954 285,915
Rural 116,896 116,820 233,716
Urban 26,065 26,134 52,199

Households of Mudhol Taluka

There are about 55,234 houses in the Mudhol sub district, including 10,636 urban houses and 44,598 rural houses. The average household size in Mudhol sub district is about 5.18 person per household.

Type Households
Total 55,234
Rural 44,598
Urban 10,636

List Of Villages in Mudhol Taluka

Mudhol district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 78 villages in Mudhol Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Mudhol Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Akkimaradi 1069.89 2634
Alagundi(B.K) 1645.44 2921
Antapur 616.42 1577
Badnur 675.4 1238
Baragi 2112.44 3121
Belagali 4118.35 17460
Bhantnur 1565.03 2638
Bidri 748.77 1701
Bisanal 614.07 2967
Bommanbudni 121.16 481
Budni (B.K.) 793.69 1054
Budni Khurd 390.96 1120
Budni(P.D) 705.29 1304
Budni(P.M) 1595.62 3349
Byadar-Aralikatti 357.95 137
Channal 866.28 1614
Chawadapur 753.03 1164
Chikkur 1203.37 2501
Chinchakhandi(B.K) 1049.71 2771
Chinchakhandi(K.D) 322.33 1627
Chitrabanukoti 702.6 1459
Dadanatti 1108.05 2313
Dhavaleshwar 1985.24 7392
Gulgal Jambagi 1192.2 2140
Halagali 4952.87 5450
Halaki 789.74 1651
Hebbal 1457.96 2911
Hosakoti 741.9 1364
Ingalagi 1454.63 3954
Jadar-Aralikatti 678.22 949
Jaliber 1334.27 1446
Jalikatti(B.K) 598.69 912
Jalikatti(K.D) 516.13 903
Jambgi(K.D) 469.05 1169
Jeeragal 1008.35 1736
Junnur 556.07 1025
Kanasageri 996.43 656
Kasba Jambgi(B.K) 1590.58 3001
Kesrakoppa 609.93 4604
Kishori 617.26 635
Kulali 1668.63 6646
Laxanatti 754.42 1550
Lokapur 1440.07 12790
Machaknur 1280.5 2918
Madhabhavi 768 3306
Mahalingapur(Rural) 120.28 259
Malali 1920.15 5760
Malapur 1578.94 3082
Mallapur(P.J) 538.69 828
Mallapur(P.L) 494.27 809
Mantur 3441.05 7681
Marapur 563.82 3147
Marikatti 472.61 882
Melligeri 1818.78 2922
Metgud 1742.79 3993
Mirji 996.13 2490
Muddapur 1185.61 2318
Mudhol(Rural) 3250.14 2104
Mugalkhod 2458.22 8642
Naganapur 800.18 1102
Nagaral 1443.82 6122
Nandagoan 1158.28 2729
Ningapur 900.12 2160
Palkimanya 1285.33 637
Petlur 1281.66 2506
Ranjanagi 1211.36 2775
Rugi 1769.89 2467
Saidapur 541.95 7713
Sanganatti 408.72 2301
Shirol 2889.67 12171
Soragoan 1193.57 3317
Timmapur 659.74 1042
Uttur 1409.02 4341
Vajjaramatti 1468.65 2639
Vantigodi 1067.26 2593
Varchagal 925.3 1644
Yadahalli 1458.72 2586
Zunjarakopp 1253.89 1695

Frequently Asked Question About Mudhol Taluka

How many villages are there in Mudhol Taluka ?

There are 78 villages in the Mudhol Taluka.

Is Mudhol is rural or urban ?

Mudhol is urban area.

What is the population of Mudhol Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Mudhol Taluka is 285,915

How many town or city are there in Mudhol Taluka ?

There are 1 town or city in the Mudhol Taluka.


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