Saraikela-Kharsawan is a district and city located in Jharkhand State of India. This article provides an in depth look at Saraikela-Kharsawan district overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of its Subdivision or sub-districts.
Saraikela-Kharsawan District overview
Saraikela-Kharsawan is Town in Jharkhand serves as administrative headquarter of Saraikela-Kharsawan district. Total area of Saraikela-Kharsawan District is 2,657 km² including 2,588 km² rural area and 69 km² urban area. There are 9 Subdivisions part of Saraikela-Kharsawan District for administrative purpose. When it about rural area of Saraikela-Kharsawan District, Saraikela-Kharsawan has 1184 villages.
Gobindpur is the largest tehsil in Saraikela-Kharsawan district by area covering 411.033 km2 and Kukru is the smallest tehsil in Saraikela-Kharsawan district by area covering 153.463 km2. Adityapur is the largest tehsil by population while Kukru is the smallest tehsil by population in Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
Population of Saraikela-Kharsawan District
As of the 2011 census, Saraikela-Kharsawan district has a population of approximately 1,065,056 peoples which is divided into urban population of 258,746 and rular population of 806,310. The population density in Saraikela-Kharsawan region is about 400.8 persons per square kilometer.
# | Male | Female | Total |
Total | 544,411 | 520,645 | 1,065,056 |
Rural | 408,848 | 397,462 | 806,310 |
Urban | 135,563 | 123,183 | 258,746 |
Households of Saraikela-Kharsawan District
There are about 221,232 houses in the district, including 53,641 urban houses and 167,591 rural houses. The average household size is about 4.81 people
Type | Households |
Total | 221,232 |
Rural | 167,591 |
Urban | 53,641 |
List Of Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan District
Saraikela-Kharsawan district is divided into several Subdivisions or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 9 tehsils in Saraikela-Kharsawan district. Each tehsil is headed by a Tehsildar, who is responsible for revenue administration and law and order. The following is a list of Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan:
Subdivision | Area(km²) | Population |
Adityapur | 342.7 | 309,072 |
Chandil | 371.6 | 157,949 |
Gobindpur | 411.0 | 136,600 |
Ichagarh | 267.2 | 83,099 |
Kharsawan | 239.2 | 88,642 |
Kuchai | 380.9 | 64,320 |
Kukru | 153.5 | 52,976 |
Nimdih | 228.7 | 78,639 |
Saraikela | 262.2 | 93,759 |
Frequently Asked Question About Saraikela-Kharsawan District
How many villages are there in Saraikela-Kharsawan district ?
There are 1184 villages in the Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
What is the population of Saraikela-Kharsawan district ?
As of the 2011 census, The population of Saraikela-Kharsawan district is 1,065,056
How many town or city are there in Saraikela-Kharsawan district ?
There are 7 town or city in the Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
How many Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district ?
There are 9 Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
Which is the largest Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district
Gobindpur is the largest Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
Which is the smallest Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district ?
Kukru is the smallest Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
Which is the most populated Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district ?
Adityapur is the most populated Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district.
Which is the least populated Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district ?
Kukru is the most least populated Subdivision in Saraikela-Kharsawan district.