
Rajauri is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, India. This article provides an in depth look at Rajauri Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Rajauri Tehsil.

Rajauri Tehsil Overview

Rajauri is Town and sub district in Rajouri district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Rajauri Tahsil. Total area of Rajauri is 593 km² including 581 km² rural area and 13 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Rajauri sub district, There are 121 villages in Rajauri Tehsil.

Population of Rajauri Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Rajauri has a population of approximately 189,067 peoples which is divided into urban population is 29,486 and rular population is 159,581 The population density in Rajauri sub district region is about 319 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 103,307 85,760 189,067
Rural 84,130 75,451 159,581
Urban 19,177 10,309 29,486

Households of Rajauri Tehsil

There are about 36,640 houses in the Rajauri sub district, including 4,364 urban houses and 32,276 rural houses. The average household size in Rajauri sub district is about 5.16 person per household.

Type Households
Total 36,640
Rural 32,276
Urban 4,364

List Of Villages in Rajauri Tehsil

Rajauri district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 121 villages in Rajauri Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Rajauri Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Agrat 898.4 2393
Androla 424.1 1101
Androth 2441.9 2622
Argi 550 1448
Ati 289.3 1706
Bagla 1918.6 2797
Bahdaun 1439.9 4593
Baljaralan 191.4 502
Bathoni 728.9 1546
Bonthal 184.5 298
Chahrol 87.4 251
Chakli 47.4 178
Chariahn 259.4 1061
Chattiar 392.1 1228
Chawa 301.5 1045
Cheneni Bagala 57.9 260
Chhabardhara 36.8 121
Chilas 1874.5 1770
Chodri Nar 286.5 1454
Dabrot 270.7 889
Dahanur Jaralan 213.7 2384
Dahrian 152.6 613
Dalhori 1299.5 2855
Danhur Gorsian 178.1 821
Dani Dhar 178.9 1597
Dasal Gujran 170.8 731
Dasal Jattan 238.8 1051
Dasal Serian 84.2 374
Dedka (Bedka) (Un-inhabited) 9.5 0
Dehri Ralyot 1205.6 2619
Dhan Loharian 144.5 1016
Dhanar Dhedian 200.7 469
Dhangri 688.4 3553
Dhanwan 161.1 865
Dhanwan Kot 232.3 530
Dhara Sanwla 381.2 869
Dhari Dhara 277.2 942
Dongi Brahamana 441.9 789
Dongi Manialan 395.8 595
Drairi 483.6 1096
Erwan Kehtar 120.6 526
Farwahale 380 892
Fateh Pur 1043.7 5814
Galhotti 934.8 3220
Ghambeer Muglian 2213.2 5860
Godar 948.6 2689
Gonni 164.7 317
Goverdhan Bala 509.9 2064
Goverdhan Pain 318.9 792
Hiyat Pura 600.2 1953
Jamula 105.2 540
Jandhi Dhara 220.6 413
Jatiari 466.2 860
Jatot 267.1 633
Kadrenu 136.4 490
Kakora 862.4 3849
Kalal Khas 786.3 3355
Kalali 417.6 1410
Kalar 218.9 903
Kapa Kah 105.2 367
Karaian 234.3 1100
Katarmal 640.2 1680
Keri Manialan 100.4 871
Khan Khri 161.9 1241
Khanpur Chingas 341.2 643
Khyora 55 858
Kot Dhra 781.9 2717
Kotli Kalaban 998.4 2057
Kottari Jagir 57.5 136
Ladot 980.2 2702
Lur Kot 453.3 1402
Makot 159.9 682
Mangalnar 590 1609
Manji Dhara 107.7 382
Marad Pur 518 3108
Meari Gujran 593.7 987
Methi Dhara 1041.7 182
Miari Manialan 196.3 453
Mubarikh Pura 68.8 426
Munja Kot 78.9 1057
Naga Nar 162.3 358
Naghun 162.3 293
Nagrota 1023.1 4269
Namblan 683.9 1386
Nariala 570.2 1070
Neli 482.4 1522
Palam 487.2 2919
Panj Grian 2451.2 5552
Pathan Mohra 84.2 853
Patrara 241.6 836
Phaio Manalan 284.1 610
Phaliana 97.5 471
Phool Yan 657.6 1190
Phowalgah 37.6 108
Potha Ghoralan 255.4 1076
Rachwa 241.6 434
Rajdhani 972.1 2426
Rani Badetar 78.5 1107
Rehtal 144.1 1277
Sadhal 50.6 465
Sagot 315.3 739
Salani (Un-inhabited) 58.3 0
Salhat 369.9 796
Samian 106.8 200
San Kari 241.6 1457
Saranu 1338.7 3927
Sarola 355.7 1670
Saun Kot 209.2 677
Sewa Jagir 269.9 697
Shahpur Manialan 170.4 479
Sohana (Un-inhabited) 3276 0
Sonal Kot 315.7 1156
Swani 1137.2 2023
Talwal 111.3 797
Tara Dwal 44.1 193
Thakrian 167.1 359
Thandi Kassi 239.6 1040
Thodhi 111.5 1192
Thothali 414 524
Tondi Tror 510.3 688
Trala Jagir 285.3 473

Frequently Asked Question About Rajauri Tehsil

How many villages are there in Rajauri Tehsil ?

There are 121 villages in the Rajauri Tehsil.

Is Rajauri is rural or urban ?

Rajauri is urban area.

What is the population of Rajauri Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Rajauri Tehsil is 189,067

How many town or city are there in Rajauri Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Rajauri Tehsil.


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