
Nowshehra is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, India. This article provides an in depth look at Nowshehra Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Nowshehra Tehsil.

Nowshehra Tehsil Overview

Nowshehra is Town and sub district in Rajouri district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Nowshehra Tahsil. Total area of Nowshehra is 482 km² including 477 km² rural area and 5 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Nowshehra sub district, There are 56 villages in Nowshehra Tehsil.

Population of Nowshehra Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Nowshehra has a population of approximately 89,416 peoples which is divided into urban population is 10,408 and rular population is 79,008 The population density in Nowshehra sub district region is about 185 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 50,146 39,270 89,416
Rural 42,417 36,591 79,008
Urban 7,729 2,679 10,408

Households of Nowshehra Tehsil

There are about 18,323 houses in the Nowshehra sub district, including 1,283 urban houses and 17,040 rural houses. The average household size in Nowshehra sub district is about 4.88 person per household.

Type Households
Total 18,323
Rural 17,040
Urban 1,283

List Of Villages in Nowshehra Tehsil

Nowshehra district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 56 villages in Nowshehra Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Nowshehra Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Anwas Bhandar 566.6 134
Bagnoti 857.9 1810
Bhajnoa 702.6 1221
Bohani 1884.2 2361
Chahi (Un-inhabited) 90 0
Chak Jaralan 322.9 1157
Chak Sarkar 425.7 97
Chak Sarkari 98.7 225
Chak Sarkari 29.6 8
Chovki Handan 1612.7 4129
Dabbar 530.1 1669
Darbote 450.8 118
Dhanaka 306.4 1062
Dharat 1444.3 2253
Dhing 1136.4 1167
Dohgani 1035.2 1561
Dundersar 940.5 1827
Dura Hala 534.6 830
Forest Block (Un-inhabited) 0 0
Gagrot 800.9 1754
Ghania 383.7 751
Gurah Sahib Singh (Un-inhabited) 9.1 0
Hidayat Pura 137.6 317
Hunjana Khanka 659.2 2441
Hunjana Thakra 624 1649
Inayat Pur 615.1 334
Jajot Kandu 1622.4 445
Janjua Pogla 121 34
Kalal 934.4 830
Kalar 142.9 358
Kalsian 1169.6 1880
Kanaheat 200.7 375
Khambah 3671.4 1754
Kothara Jagir 439.5 406
Lam 1238.4 1919
Lambehri 2646.7 6150
Langar 390.1 1334
Laroka 1819.5 2357
Man Pur 255.4 875
Mangal Devi 959.1 2277
Mangote 1518.8 1438
Mohra Kampla 449.2 1611
Narian 1727.2 4896
Nunial 2144.5 5344
Pandori 1356.9 0
Pokharni 482.4 1371
Potha 552.8 1881
Qila Darhal 796.4 1157
Raj Pur Kamila 2401.4 2445
Rajal 1397.8 2774
Rajoa 505.5 727
Sariah 859.2 1241
Sihal 679.9 1368
Singh Pura 719.5 1836
Thil Hakima(Thhal Chakian) 240.4 831
Wand Mohra 97.9 219

Frequently Asked Question About Nowshehra Tehsil

How many villages are there in Nowshehra Tehsil ?

There are 56 villages in the Nowshehra Tehsil.

Is Nowshehra is rural or urban ?

Nowshehra is urban area.

What is the population of Nowshehra Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Nowshehra Tehsil is 89,416

How many town or city are there in Nowshehra Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Nowshehra Tehsil.


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