
Sohna is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Haryana, India. This article provides an in depth look at Sohna Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Sohna Tehsil.

Sohna Tehsil Overview

Sohna is Town and sub district in Gurgaon district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Sohna Tahsil. Total area of Sohna is 312 km² including 280 km² rural area and 32 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Sohna sub district, There are 64 villages in Sohna Tehsil.

Population of Sohna Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Sohna has a population of approximately 165,629 peoples which is divided into urban population is 53,962 and rular population is 111,667 The population density in Sohna sub district region is about 531 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 88,963 76,666 165,629
Rural 59,403 52,264 111,667
Urban 29,560 24,402 53,962

Households of Sohna Tehsil

There are about 28,611 houses in the Sohna sub district, including 9,949 urban houses and 18,662 rural houses. The average household size in Sohna sub district is about 5.79 person per household.

Type Households
Total 28,611
Rural 18,662
Urban 9,949

List Of Villages in Sohna Tehsil

Sohna district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 64 villages in Sohna Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Sohna Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Abhepur 821 4164
Alipur 589 3398
Badshahpur Tethar 226 744
Bai Khera 157 534
Balola 622 1121
Baluda 437 1573
Bandhwari 1585 4104
Bedhwaka 118 208
Behlpa 322 2095
Berka 159 1437
Bhogpur 144 734
Bilaka 225 709
Chuharpur 114 550
Damdma 279 3531
Daula 436 3069
Dhunela 352 1856
Garhi Bazidpur 345 2719
Ghamroj 1257 4797
Ghangola 514 2052
Gual Pahari Part 549 2257
Hajipur 269 1876
Harchandpur 621 2129
Hariahera 338 1503
Isaka 74 347
Jalalpur 135 0
Jolahaka 232 459
Kadarpur 721 6372
Karnki 518 2385
Khaika 223 783
Kharoda 137 889
Khatrika 162 61
Kherla 541 5109
Kherli Lala 182 2263
Khobri 142 0
Khuntpuri 229 626
Kuliaka 175 908
Lakhuwas 483 2925
Loh Singhani 314 1859
Lohatki 125 1045
Mahendwara 145 1550
Mandawar 547 1167
Mohammadpur Gujar 358 713
Nimot 272 1111
Nunera 365 1921
Pulawas 94 0
Rahaka 137 317
Raipur 183 4160
Raisena 1756 2555
Ranika Singhola 178 559
Ratika Noabad 168 224
Rethoj 467 4852
Rojka Gujar 2324 487
Sahjawas 372 2162
Sampki Nagli 323 2156
Sancholi 463 2728
Saramathla 754 2377
Satlaka 128 1053
Silani 662 1262
Siraska 134 621
Sohna Rural 1394 666
Tethar 256 337
Tolni 183 442
Ulhawas Part 364 2284
Zakupur 122 2772

Frequently Asked Question About Sohna Tehsil

How many villages are there in Sohna Tehsil ?

There are 64 villages in the Sohna Tehsil.

Is Sohna is rural or urban ?

Sohna is urban area.

What is the population of Sohna Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Sohna Tehsil is 165,629

How many town or city are there in Sohna Tehsil ?

There are 2 town or city in the Sohna Tehsil.


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