
Nandod is a Taluka and city located in the state of Gujarat, India. This article provides an in depth look at Nandod Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Nandod Taluka.

Nandod Taluka Overview

Nandod is Town and sub district in Narmada district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Nandod Tahsil. Total area of Nandod is 1,106 km² including 1,096 km² rural area and 11 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Nandod sub district, There are 203 villages in Nandod Taluka.

Population of Nandod Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Nandod has a population of approximately 241,053 peoples which is divided into urban population is 41,633 and rular population is 199,420 The population density in Nandod sub district region is about 218 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 124,560 116,493 241,053
Rural 103,375 96,045 199,420
Urban 21,185 20,448 41,633

Households of Nandod Taluka

There are about 50,839 houses in the Nandod sub district, including 9,226 urban houses and 41,613 rural houses. The average household size in Nandod sub district is about 4.74 person per household.

Type Households
Total 50,839
Rural 41,613
Urban 9,226

List Of Villages in Nandod Taluka

Nandod district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 203 villages in Nandod Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Nandod Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Akteshwar 395.29 1359
Akuvada 269.94 544
Amadla 429.41 1955
Amarpara 180.51 181
Amletha 1217.81 3665
Amli 613.23 605
Anodara 428.09 601
Bakhar 341.25 592
Baman Faliya 347.25 410
Bhacharvada 596.71 1881
Bhadam 1072.36 2632
Bhanadra 163.47 396
Bhekhadia 295.77 819
Bhilvashi 1114.03 2235
Bhuchhad 492.78 1806
Bhumalia 442.12 1042
Bilthana 157.39 356
Bitada 331.94 1261
Boria 167.29 876
Boridra 618.05 911
Borutar 194.71 535
Chapat 154.99 332
Chhatawada 305.73 281
Chhindiapara 294.08 717
Chichadia 356.12 968
Chitravadi 440.32 685
Chitrol 399.14 225
Dadhvada 416.65 194
Datanambali 129.79 99
Dhamadra 357.1 1792
Dhamnacha 497.84 1057
Dhaniala 160.72 264
Dhanpor 399.03 560
Dharikheda 235.62 2351
Dhefa 136.77 300
Dhirkhadi 1285.46 1417
Dhobisal 100.53 483
Dhochki 460.12 226
Dholar 518.69 1645
Dholivav 103.34 345
Fulvadi 333.19 1273
Gabhana 356.49 928
Gadher 3347.36 505
Gadit 569.87 983
Gadkoi 431.7 950
Gadod 258.31 1158
Gagar 779.89 951
Galupura 46.75 254
Gambhirpara 167.24 402
Gamkuva 323.3 1434
Garudeshwar 621.64 2452
Ghanta 629.98 901
Gopalpura 172.36 1215
Gora 871.84 1844
Gulvani 745.35 914
Gunetha 164.94 558
Guvar 367.65 826
Hajarpara 127.01 1073
Handi 314.93 219
Haripura 52.61 350
Helambi 86.14 334
Indravarna 374.48 595
Jesalpor 651.12 1271
Jetpor (Ramgadh) 79.22 149
Jetpor (Vaghrali) 314.19 1099
Jior 1033.07 832
Jitgadh 527.74 732
Jitnagar 962.55 1249
Junaraj 6713.88 1479
Junvad 391.11 1029
Kadavamahuda(gora) 262.46 201
Kakadva 638.58 643
Kali Makvana 542.72 1362
Kamodiya 0 761
Kandroj 638.07 1012
Kanpor 388.71 214
Karantha 764.9 1619
Kareli 176.24 1825
Khadagada 622.65 2655
Khalvani 652.1 0
Khamar 269.35 560
Khojalvasa 336.33 778
Khunta Amba 948.05 1183
Kothara 328.35 816
Kothi 335.26 1532
Kumasgam 209.73 1201
Kumbhia 175.19 435
Lachhras 1027.88 3311
Limdi 929.86 1529
Limkhetar 1920.61 1920
Lodhan 142.86 221
Mahudipada 631.92 292
Mandan (Gaditvalun) 589.19 446
Mandan (Gorvalun) 296.8 431
Mangrol 1127.53 1698
Mankad Amba 586.52 968
Mankad Khada 1642.66 924
Mankuva 111.57 464
Mayasi 638.24 271
Medgam 360.69 165
Mithivav 201.02 484
Moji 698.21 662
Mokhdi 2118.87 269
Mota Amba 297.4 700
Mota Haidva 518.35 276
Mota Limatvada 427.75 895
Mota Piparia 137.56 1005
Mota Raypara 1073.1 1611
Moti Bhamri 329.14 1479
Moti Chikhli 548.01 275
Moti Raval 253.03 743
Movi 339.66 345
Naghatpor 957.29 2300
Namalgadh 1473.7 546
Nana Haidva 85.31 288
Nana Limatvada 122.49 767
Nana Piparia 180.53 398
Nana Raipara 275.12 400
Nana Zunda 39.43 329
Nani Chikhli 484.55 422
Nani Daberi 428.41 133
Nani Raval 146.87 527
Narkhadi 461.56 532
Nasri 153.41 669
Nava Vaghpara 474.61 1539
Navagam (Limbdi) 275.92 371
Navagam (Ramgadh) 321.32 523
Navapara (Garudeshwar) 100.97 561
Navapara (Nikoli) 420.87 1135
Navra 1013.24 2291
Nikoli 809.7 1407
Ori 818.98 1683
Orpa 290.98 946
Palsi 403.41 778
Pan Talavadi 129.27 1398
Panchla 303.09 723
Panisadadia 114.28 366
Pati 150.38 538
Patna 627.04 1360
Pinchhipara 617.09 1553
Poicha 891.98 1539
Pratapnagar 679.7 2758
Pratappara 322.54 868
Rajpipla (Rural) (Kunvarpara) 1215.38 205
Rajuvadia 908.95 2664
Ramgadh 106.51 415
Rampara (Mangrol) 315.81 937
Rampara (Patnawalu) 29.18 168
Ranipura 259.66 783
Rasela 374.65 881
Rel 186.98 322
Ringni 219.89 687
Rundh 923.1 2081
Sajanpara 61 267
Sakva 357.56 499
Samaria 493.83 1022
Samasherpura (Kareliwalu) 127.86 536
Sandhia 439.4 767
Sanjroli 300.51 1017
Sengpara 158.78 291
Serav 1542.39 2205
Sisodara 1356.52 2689
Sondhaliya 350.97 519
Songam 310.53 1020
Suka 226.71 1214
Sundarpura 398.66 1603
Surajvad 196.14 580
Surpan 1792.55 377
Survani 109.69 413
Tankari 680.41 1086
Taropa 524.84 2145
Thari 270.34 975
Thavadia 1229.24 328
Timbi 728.83 1421
Timrava 359.49 1073
Torna 485.79 759
Umarva 637.95 1721
Umarva (Joshivalu) 999.52 945
Undva 409.85 2248
Vadi 297.47 1022
Vadia 347.76 3563
Vagadia 238.07 833
Vaghetha 634.62 1884
Vaghodia 541.74 1123
Vaghrali 501.91 1191
Valpor 69.2 192
Vanazi 272.43 808
Vandaria 372.29 510
Vansla 244.12 868
Vanzar 329.4 912
Vanznitad 92.71 450
Varachha 247.54 394
Varkhad 770.63 1209
Vasantpara 117 426
Vavdi 591.42 2475
Vaviala 522.08 1719
Velchhandi 319.48 414
Verisalpara 100.17 317
Virpor 235.76 1065
Virsangpura 163.39 320
Zaria 279.16 1273
Zarvani 2682.57 2931
Zer 1173.27 2267

Frequently Asked Question About Nandod Taluka

How many villages are there in Nandod Taluka ?

There are 203 villages in the Nandod Taluka.

Is Nandod is rural or urban ?

Nandod is urban area.

What is the population of Nandod Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Nandod Taluka is 241,053

How many town or city are there in Nandod Taluka ?

There are 2 town or city in the Nandod Taluka.


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