
Becharaji is a Taluka and city located in the state of Gujarat, India. This article provides an in depth look at Becharaji Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Becharaji Taluka.

Becharaji Taluka Overview

Becharaji is Town and sub district in Mahesana district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Becharaji Tahsil. Total area of Becharaji is 418 km² including 409 km² rural area and 9 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Becharaji sub district, There are 51 villages in Becharaji Taluka.

Population of Becharaji Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Becharaji has a population of approximately 99,588 peoples which is divided into urban population is 12,574 and rular population is 87,014 The population density in Becharaji sub district region is about 238 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 51,152 48,436 99,588
Rural 44,612 42,402 87,014
Urban 6,540 6,034 12,574

Households of Becharaji Taluka

There are about 20,728 houses in the Becharaji sub district, including 2,709 urban houses and 18,019 rural houses. The average household size in Becharaji sub district is about 4.8 person per household.

Type Households
Total 20,728
Rural 18,019
Urban 2,709

List Of Villages in Becharaji Taluka

Becharaji district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 51 villages in Becharaji Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Becharaji Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adivada 793.52 1952
Ajabpura 240.16 441
Akba 776.1 1665
Ambala 726.7 2155
Asjol 872.02 2379
Bariyaf 559.98 835
Bhalgamda 151.85 1130
Chadasna 552.41 1508
Chandanki 524.21 250
Chandroda 1324.34 2081
Chhatasana 453.67 754
Dedana 1674.81 2466
Dedarda 184.97 464
Delpura Khant 676.54 1542
Delvada Khant 1013.78 2283
Dethli 1039.4 1351
Devgadh 545.87 614
Dhanpura 298.63 773
Dharpura-Khant 553.47 2211
Dodivada 993.66 2406
Edala 942.79 1740
Finchdi 750.62 2484
Gambhu 1649.42 4015
Ganeshpura 0 1655
Indrap 423.22 810
Jetpur 825.95 2644
Kakasna 197.04 275
Kalri 1654.26 1891
Kanoda 1308.81 1694
Karansagar 1194.67 1193
Khambhel 1277.95 2697
Mandali 347.33 1090
Matrasan 499.72 887
Modhera 2436.13 6373
Motap 890.77 2952
Poyda 275.44 965
Pratapgadh 387.97 556
Ranchhodpura 408.02 666
Ranela 603.82 2267
Rantej 1941.66 3193
Ruppura Karanpura 1071.67 2863
Saduthla 372.34 1672
Sankhalpur 1935.05 4170
Sanpavada 1310.28 2661
Sujanpura 483.14 1002
Suraj 1195.89 1775
Surpura 801.39 951
Udela 277.26 348
Vanpur 185.64 143
Venpura 373.87 1017
Vijapurda 600.11 1105

Frequently Asked Question About Becharaji Taluka

How many villages are there in Becharaji Taluka ?

There are 51 villages in the Becharaji Taluka.

Is Becharaji is rural or urban ?

Becharaji is urban area.

What is the population of Becharaji Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Becharaji Taluka is 99,588

How many town or city are there in Becharaji Taluka ?

There are 1 town or city in the Becharaji Taluka.


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