
Fatepura is a Taluka and city located in the state of Gujarat, India. This article provides an in depth look at Fatepura Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Fatepura Taluka.

Fatepura Taluka Overview

Fatepura is Town and sub district in Dohad district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Fatepura Tahsil. Total area of Fatepura is 326 km² including 326 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Fatepura sub district, There are 96 villages in Fatepura Taluka.

Population of Fatepura Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Fatepura has a population of approximately 238,116 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 238,116 The population density in Fatepura sub district region is about 731 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 119,947 118,169 238,116
Rural 119,947 118,169 238,116
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Fatepura Taluka

There are about 39,714 houses in the Fatepura sub district, including 0 urban houses and 39,714 rural houses. The average household size in Fatepura sub district is about 6 person per household.

Type Households
Total 39,714
Rural 39,714
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Fatepura Taluka

Fatepura district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 96 villages in Fatepura Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Fatepura Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Affava 467.97 4594
Apatalai 102.1 867
Aspur 183.6 1852
Bachkariya (East) 108.74 1016
Balaiya 209.78 1530
Bariyani Hathod 192.81 1027
Barsaleda 189.78 2414
Bavani Hathod 136.04 450
Bhat Muvadi 62.67 676
Bhichor 423.62 2316
Bhitodi 154.08 951
Bhojela 518.62 4602
Chhalor 379.15 2992
Chikhali 221.5 1429
Dablara 207.98 2327
Dhadhela 461.7 2420
Dungar 1546.16 7218
Dungra 235.96 2004
Dungrana Pani 169.98 1116
Fategadhi 157.01 930
Fatepura Alias Valunda 290.74 6855
Gadra 743.82 2330
Gava Dungra 329.64 1919
Ghani Khunt 196.19 1439
Ghata Vadiya (East) 125.87 494
Ghughas 990.29 7798
Hadmat 313.79 3020
Hindoliya 539.09 3492
Hingla 221.66 2641
Inta 483.67 3555
Jagola 615.21 2975
Jalai 482.93 2019
Jatanana Muvada 91.44 417
Javesi 788.85 3909
Jhab (East) 168.27 1582
Kaliya (Lakhanpur) 285.14 2381
Kankasiya 138.48 835
Kanthagar 609.93 4750
Karmel 584.55 3524
Karodiya Purva Fatepura) 466.13 5119
Khakhariya 46.38 602
Khatarpur Na Muvada 160.39 2085
Kumana Muvada 125.76 440
Kundla 348.07 2488
Kupda 134.43 1168
Lakhanpur 692.68 4130
Limadiya 234.53 2335
Madhva 492.01 3820
Makwana Na Varuna 152.66 1604
Manawala Borida 51.4 542
Margala 1150.38 8522
Mor Mahudi 66.54 466
Mota Borida 85.2 847
Mota Natava 698.97 6001
Moti Bara 213.8 559
Moti Charoli 141.81 1150
Moti Dhadheli 656.06 3660
Moti Nandukan 305.82 1874
Moti Shero 106.75 705
Motirel (East) 851.5 7120
Nana Borida 143.49 1471
Nana Saranaiya 309.06 1433
Nani Bara 135.16 257
Nani Charoli 213.72 2135
Nani Dhadheli 243.46 1994
Nani Nandukan 135.33 544
Nanirel (East) 132.61 1094
Nava Talav 219.94 1324
Navagam 315.24 1995
Nes Damorni 39.02 371
Nindka (East) 910.57 7081
Padaliya 108.83 963
Patadiya 157.57 1617
Pati 157.88 1380
Patisara 275.96 1499
Patvel 419.62 1846
Piplara 179.27 1591
Pipliya 145.79 954
Ratanpur (Nes) 91.37 722
Raval Na Varuna 186.14 2011
Rupakheda 268.7 2422
Sagdapada 868.47 6734
Salara 1143.92 8759
Sarsawa (East) 367.79 1907
Sukhsar 258.76 4127
Tadhigoli 219.71 1030
Vadvas 386.72 3939
Vaghvadla 139.22 788
Valundi 308.15 2761
Vandariya (East) 252.92 2090
Vangad 585.15 4834
Vankaner 233.93 1877
Vansiya Kui 418.45 3184
Vatli 645.76 5098
Vavdi (East) 146.2 1132
Zer 301.38 1249

Frequently Asked Question About Fatepura Taluka

How many villages are there in Fatepura Taluka ?

There are 96 villages in the Fatepura Taluka.

Is Fatepura is rural or urban ?

Fatepura is urban area.

What is the population of Fatepura Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Fatepura Taluka is 238,116

How many town or city are there in Fatepura Taluka ?

There are 0 town or city in the Fatepura Taluka.


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