
Borsad is a Taluka and city located in the state of Gujarat, India. This article provides an in depth look at Borsad Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Borsad Taluka.

Borsad Taluka Overview

Borsad is Town and sub district in Anand district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Borsad Tahsil. Total area of Borsad is 421 km² including 396 km² rural area and 25 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Borsad sub district, There are 64 villages in Borsad Taluka.

Population of Borsad Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Borsad has a population of approximately 379,650 peoples which is divided into urban population is 63,543 and rular population is 316,107 The population density in Borsad sub district region is about 903 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 197,545 182,105 379,650
Rural 164,655 151,452 316,107
Urban 32,890 30,653 63,543

Households of Borsad Taluka

There are about 77,616 houses in the Borsad sub district, including 12,232 urban houses and 65,384 rural houses. The average household size in Borsad sub district is about 4.89 person per household.

Type Households
Total 77,616
Rural 65,384
Urban 12,232

List Of Villages in Borsad Taluka

Borsad district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 64 villages in Borsad Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Borsad Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Alarsa 878.04 9838
Amiyad 661.21 3201
Badalpur 618.58 5396
Banejda 320.66 2866
Bhadran 1284.94 9273
Bhadraniya 547.66 3901
Bochasan 884.67 8128
Bodal 650.3 4914
Chuva 434.07 4573
Dabhasi 499.5 4786
Dahemi 545.13 5015
Dahewan 1433.2 10880
Dali 390.02 2746
Davol 931.18 11368
Dedarda 638.07 5181
Dhanavasi 200.02 1106
Dhobikui 148.3 1030
Dhundakuva 284.75 2232
Divel 516.49 2579
Gajana 1088.94 2773
Gorel 350.7 3859
Gorva 444.83 2301
Harkhapura 253.71 2053
Jantral 779.76 10118
Kalu 445.82 4670
Kanbha 625.39 5906
Kandhroti 536.84 2913
Kankapura 468.96 10104
Kasari 382.8 3205
Kasumbad 486 3056
Kathana 903.23 11882
Kathol 769.39 2566
Kavitha 651.75 6208
Khanpur 442 4665
Khedasa 577.4 6492
Kinkhlod 842.17 5320
Kothiya khad 468.7 2771
Moti Sherdi 374.13 2626
Naman 265.71 3114
Nani Sherdi 207.45 2014
Napa Talpad 864.46 11452
Napa Vanto 713.98 7914
Nisaraya 724.31 4809
Pamol 648.3 4804
Pipli 418.61 3830
Ranoli 189.27 1619
Ras 1281.27 6755
Rudel 637.37 2521
Saijpur 383.54 5582
Salol 1345.77 10808
Santokpura 247.05 2007
Singlav 477.12 2651
Sisva 1041.16 4475
Sur Kuva 271.37 1534
Umlav 325.28 2391
Uneli 127.64 1350
Vachhiyel 249.27 2902
Vadeli 400.01 3068
Vahera 733.84 6623
Valvod 1683.75 7640
Vasna ( Borsad) 589.91 6115
Vasna ( Ras) 344.55 2965
Virsad 1304.81 9340
Zarola 1124.32 5323

Frequently Asked Question About Borsad Taluka

How many villages are there in Borsad Taluka ?

There are 64 villages in the Borsad Taluka.

Is Borsad is rural or urban ?

Borsad is urban area.

What is the population of Borsad Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Borsad Taluka is 379,650

How many town or city are there in Borsad Taluka ?

There are 2 town or city in the Borsad Taluka.


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