
Salcete is a Taluka and city located in the state of Goa, India. This article provides an in depth look at Salcete Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Salcete Taluka.

Salcete Taluka Overview

Salcete is Town and sub district in South Goa district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Salcete Tahsil. Total area of Salcete is 298 km² including 145 km² rural area and 153 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Salcete sub district, There are 35 villages in Salcete Taluka.

Population of Salcete Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Salcete has a population of approximately 294,464 peoples which is divided into urban population is 212,464 and rular population is 82,000 The population density in Salcete sub district region is about 988 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 145,448 149,016 294,464
Rural 39,099 42,901 82,000
Urban 106,349 106,115 212,464

Households of Salcete Taluka

There are about 71,717 houses in the Salcete sub district, including 51,274 urban houses and 20,443 rural houses. The average household size in Salcete sub district is about 4.11 person per household.

Type Households
Total 71,717
Rural 20,443
Urban 51,274

List Of Villages in Salcete Taluka

Salcete district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 35 villages in Salcete Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Salcete Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adsulim 20 214
Ambelim 389 2853
Assolna 458 3410
Betalbatim 447 3551
Calata 165 1739
Camurlim 340 2247
Cana 43 494
Carmona 691 3864
Cavelossim 834 1955
Cavorim 498 2228
Chandor 248 707
Colva 287 3141
Deussua 270 1479
Dicarpale 199 3057
Dramapur 538 3441
Duncolim 116 748
Gandaulim 38 438
Gonsua 47 222
Guirdolim 765 3622
Loutulim 1781 6121
Macasana 500 1972
Majorda 438 2813
Mulem 808 2799
Nagoa 518 3873
Orlim 366 2049
Paroda 384 620
Rachol 272 1686
Sarzora 769 2270
Seraulim 271 3250
Sernabatim 184 1548
Sirlim 186 845
Talaulim 493 2911
Utorda 314 2018
Vanelim 99 1860
Velim 814 5955

Frequently Asked Question About Salcete Taluka

How many villages are there in Salcete Taluka ?

There are 35 villages in the Salcete Taluka.

Is Salcete is rural or urban ?

Salcete is urban area.

What is the population of Salcete Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Salcete Taluka is 294,464

How many town or city are there in Salcete Taluka ?

There are 13 town or city in the Salcete Taluka.


The Indian Village Directory - Your Guide to Every Village, City or Town in the Nation.

