
Satari is a Taluka and city located in the state of Goa, India. This article provides an in depth look at Satari Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Satari Taluka.

Satari Taluka Overview

Satari is Town and sub district in North Goa district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Satari Tahsil. Total area of Satari is 495 km² including 475 km² rural area and 20 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Satari sub district, There are 77 villages in Satari Taluka.

Population of Satari Taluka

As of the 2011 census, Satari has a population of approximately 63,817 peoples which is divided into urban population is 14,395 and rular population is 49,422 The population density in Satari sub district region is about 129 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 32,574 31,243 63,817
Rural 25,069 24,353 49,422
Urban 7,505 6,890 14,395

Households of Satari Taluka

There are about 14,367 houses in the Satari sub district, including 3,453 urban houses and 10,914 rural houses. The average household size in Satari sub district is about 4.44 person per household.

Type Households
Total 14,367
Rural 10,914
Urban 3,453

List Of Villages in Satari Taluka

Satari district is divided into several Taluka or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 77 villages in Satari Taluka. The following is a list of villages in Satari Taluka.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Advoi 575.47 609
Ambedem 125.27 272
Ambeli 194.96 104
Anjunem 227.12 0
Ansolem 167.14 186
Assodem 497.05 120
Birondem 277.56 476
Bombedem 48.4 37
Buimpal 411.6 1403
Carambolim- Brama 513.03 445
Carambolim-Bozruco 471.4 468
Caranzol 4048.63 839
Choraundem 592.65 708
Codal 1250.22 177
Codiem 246.18 71
Codqui 288.51 929
Codvol 887.25 5
Compordem 746.66 1093
Conquirem 803.49 397
Cotorem 533.36 624
Cudcem 365.7 644
Cumarconda 556.7 525
Dabem 350.88 498
Damocem 236.86 596
Davem 611.62 862
Derodem 1335.9 108
Dongurli 1016.34 1534
Edorem 137.19 291
Golauli 657.16 297
Gonteli 280.85 1634
Govanem 431.26 161
Guleli 201.33 490
Gululem 790.65 0
Ivrem-Buzruco 500.89 666
Ivrem-Curdo 361.69 218
Maloli 561.76 416
Malpona 398.1 277
Mauzi 629.1 1375
Melauli 1629.54 1636
Morlem 972.87 3290
Nagargao 161 549
Naguem 343.39 479
Naneli 609 294
Nanorem 368.09 287
Padeli 168.57 657
Pale 793.54 1157
Pendral 1737.39 0
Pissurlem 833.85 1940
Podocem 392.78 966
Ponocem 299.38 496
Ponsuli 360 0
Poriem 1160.19 4190
Quelaudem 339 0
Querim 1241.85 2251
Ravona 554.23 1165
Rivem 891.62 154
Saleli 838.34 984
Sanvorcem 234.74 495
Sanvordem 340.25 897
Satorem 196.31 221
Satrem 2226.01 176
Sigonem 328.84 189
Siranguli 297.79 80
Siroli 353.8 663
Sirsodem 248.1 245
Sonal 306.91 430
Sonus-Vonvoliem 474.12 764
Surla 1478.77 460
Ustem 456.08 346
Vaguriem 311.35 255
Vainguinim 888.77 32
Vantem 592.63 1678
Velguem 652.35 1310
Xelopo-Buzruco 192.3 244
Xelopo-Curdo 451.87 252
Zarani 771.78 0
Zormen 726.3 635

Frequently Asked Question About Satari Taluka

How many villages are there in Satari Taluka ?

There are 77 villages in the Satari Taluka.

Is Satari is rural or urban ?

Satari is urban area.

What is the population of Satari Taluka ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Satari Taluka is 63,817

How many town or city are there in Satari Taluka ?

There are 2 town or city in the Satari Taluka.


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