
Tamnar is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Tamnar Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Tamnar Tehsil.

Tamnar Tehsil Overview

Tamnar is Town and sub district in Raigarh district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Tamnar Tahsil. Total area of Tamnar is 729 km² including 729 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Tamnar sub district, There are 117 villages in Tamnar Tehsil.

Population of Tamnar Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Tamnar has a population of approximately 97,975 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 97,975 The population density in Tamnar sub district region is about 134 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 49,342 48,633 97,975
Rural 49,342 48,633 97,975
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Tamnar Tehsil

There are about 23,963 houses in the Tamnar sub district, including 0 urban houses and 23,963 rural houses. The average household size in Tamnar sub district is about 4.09 person per household.

Type Households
Total 23,963
Rural 23,963
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Tamnar Tehsil

Tamnar district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 117 villages in Tamnar Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Tamnar Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Aamgaon 546.67 1626
Amaghat 1037.23 1116
Amalidhondha 212.86 648
Amapali 490.84 944
Auorajor 193.49 337
Auraimuda 688 950
Badgaon 545.46 719
Bagbadi 171.61 423
Bagbuda 99.3 231
Bajarmuda 360.07 963
Baljor 269.67 340
Banai 954 1315
Banjikhol 246.78 284
Barbahli 140.6 144
Barkachar 145.57 262
Barkaspali 344 759
Barpali 313.52 449
Barpali 502.01 1153
Basanpali 440.43 1408
Bhagora 313.68 624
Bhainsgarhi 154.03 261
Bhalumuda 217.68 490
Bhuikurri 288.26 759
Bijana 519.98 1486
Budiya 575.69 1119
Chakabahal 103.7 237
Chindbhauna 205.98 175
Chirramuda 459 696
Chirwani 221.48 214
Chitwahi 285.26 853
Dakshin Regaon 193.61 410
Darama 338.62 780
Deogaon 575.81 1237
Deogarha 1214.35 2142
Dhaurabhatha 321.02 1395
Dholnara 344.36 512
Dolesara 483.45 1326
Dongamauha 326.13 777
Gadgaon 312.38 495
Gare 413.21 828
Gaurmudi 273.4 274
Godhi 449.31 2251
Gorkamuda 104.57 28
Gourbahari 453.83 1099
Hamirpur 403.72 1441
Harradih 374.11 509
Hinjher 292.86 432
Jamchunwa 79.84 170
Jamdabri 236.23 218
Jampali 25.2 0
Janjgir 559.41 1070
Jarekela 494.28 1136
Jarhidih 192.75 378
Jharna 482.09 1665
Jhinku Bahal 300.52 905
Jivri 481.5 834
Jobaro 360.45 838
Kachkoba 876.02 1275
Kanta Jhariya 150.63 204
Karmagarh 205.32 381
Karra Pali 182.32 581
Karwahi 329.77 594
Kasdol 506.6 1527
Kenani Bahra 46.02 67
Kerakhol 409 398
Kesharchunwa 210.96 606
Khamahariya 423.34 566
Kharra 156.54 338
Khurus Lenga 640.54 1660
Kodkel 512.79 1014
Kolam 291.33 483
Kosampali 252.52 298
Kunjemura 442.04 1364
Kusmel 85.79 231
Lalpur 287.52 440
Lamdarha 326.62 370
Libara 670.65 1418
Maduadumar 92.25 231
Mahloi 876.65 2706
Mauhapali 279.93 779
Milupara 452.5 1525
Mudagaon 390.33 553
Nagramuda 293.07 829
Nawapara 183.74 352
Nundarha 457.69 781
Padi Gaon 579.01 1535
Padkipahri 259.54 348
Pali 68.81 166
Pata 676.34 1358
Patrapali 371.41 498
Pelama 629.14 1184
Punjipathra 714.33 381
Rabo 530.65 614
Raipara 171.92 511
Ratrot 55.17 21
Rengalbahri 274 585
Rodopali 443.26 752
Sakta 78.02 367
Salihabhanttha 392.62 1041
Salihari 134.67 311
Samaruma 293.51 545
Samkera 553.11 1671
Saraipali 601.74 1678
Saraitola 273.3 653
Sarasmal 292.58 535
Semijor 164.5 346
Tamnar 1229.24 5465
Tangarghat 557.45 1513
Tapranga 354.18 725
Telaipara 50.37 64
Tharakpur 361.45 561
Tihli Rampur 288.78 1962
Traimal 594.58 3951
Ujalpur 342.59 544
Ukaripali 319.17 532
Uraba 418.92 1111
Uttar Regaon 163.62 741

Frequently Asked Question About Tamnar Tehsil

How many villages are there in Tamnar Tehsil ?

There are 117 villages in the Tamnar Tehsil.

Is Tamnar is rural or urban ?

Tamnar is urban area.

What is the population of Tamnar Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Tamnar Tehsil is 97,975

How many town or city are there in Tamnar Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Tamnar Tehsil.


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