
Makdi is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Makdi Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Makdi Tehsil.

Makdi Tehsil Overview

Makdi is Town and sub district in Bastar district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Makdi Tahsil. Total area of Makdi is 956 km² including 956 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Makdi sub district, There are 100 villages in Makdi Tehsil.

Population of Makdi Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Makdi has a population of approximately 99,714 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 99,714 The population density in Makdi sub district region is about 104 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 49,189 50,525 99,714
Rural 49,189 50,525 99,714
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Makdi Tehsil

There are about 20,349 houses in the Makdi sub district, including 0 urban houses and 20,349 rural houses. The average household size in Makdi sub district is about 4.9 person per household.

Type Households
Total 20,349
Rural 20,349
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Makdi Tehsil

Makdi district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 100 villages in Makdi Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Makdi Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Amrawati 148.96 178
Amrawati 1934.68 929
Anantpur 1393.61 2618
Arangula 250.77 388
Arla 495.34 1090
Babai 793.94 1506
Bade Amrawati 0.3 0
Badeghodasara 652.97 1028
Badgaon 226.96 547
Badra 624.54 931
Bagbeda 1194.91 1846
Balenga 174.62 0
Balond 1335.29 2468
Barkai 839.48 1901
Bedagaon 555.71 582
Bedesohnga 651.23 782
Belgaon 1599.57 915
Belgaon 240.87 964
Belondi 440.66 887
Bhatgaon 591.91 470
Bhatwa 117.84 354
Bhiragaon 803.5 604
Bhiranda 189.84 320
Bijapur 538.94 1022
Binjoli 695.87 1310
Biwla 692.75 789
Budra 987.94 947
Chhatodi 372.03 1011
Chhinari 547.48 1119
Chhote Salna 404.52 1075
Chhoteghodsara 196.47 276
Chhotesohnga 54 224
Dandwan 490.13 576
Deodongar 438.5 661
Deoharduli 283.95 391
Deurbal 1414.52 888
Dewgaon 1510.22 801
Dharli 275.9 662
Engra 742.61 1095
Gangada 351.45 498
Gare 1315.86 958
Guhaborand 561.49 959
Gumdi 304.97 611
Hadigaon 732.44 1571
Hirapur 913.67 1995
Hirawandi 494.58 901
Hirlabhat 173.24 472
Hukkabedapathari 1097.41 904
Jadkonga 323.99 541
Jarandi 1053.17 1524
Jodanra 56.63 341
Karandi 714.91 1583
Karmari 244.57 913
Katagaon 1257.87 1690
Kawra 665.95 1010
Kerawahi 1338.15 2467
Khudi 566.27 556
Kirmari 373.86 276
Kokodi 828.19 1071
Kosaharduli 783.1 1020
Kotebel 375.87 441
Kurloobahar 203.59 713
Labha 317.34 543
Lubha 553.6 1243
Mageda 807.15 1797
Makadi 1208.81 4214
Manjhiborand 1928.86 1802
Maragaon 616.8 1577
Mirminda 2111.42 1222
Nalajhar 520.81 689
Newara 789.71 664
Odargaon 2258.62 881
Ondari 674.88 1225
Otenda 1257.96 2219
Pidhapal 675.18 1121
Pusapal 474.82 636
Radhana 900.52 1620
Rakas Beda 210.19 821
Rakasbeda 43.9 0
Sandsa 243.77 457
Seoni 174.86 407
Shampur 932.1 1991
Sodma 1052.5 1594
Sodseoni 461.75 845
Sohanga 308.97 635
Sonabera 728.13 1527
Tamra Wand 1969.22 1364
Tarai Beda 294.72 538
Targaon 419.78 634
Tauranga 1048.26 1483
Tedmunda 293.06 667
Themgaon 824.34 1354
Titna 346.87 565
Torondi 878.48 1719
Tum Beda 134.19 0
Turrebeda 262.61 232
Udeedgaon 694.22 1136
Udhenga 398.67 521
Ulera 1033.26 1236
Umargaon 839.21 1365

Frequently Asked Question About Makdi Tehsil

How many villages are there in Makdi Tehsil ?

There are 100 villages in the Makdi Tehsil.

Is Makdi is rural or urban ?

Makdi is urban area.

What is the population of Makdi Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Makdi Tehsil is 99,714

How many town or city are there in Makdi Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Makdi Tehsil.


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