
Kondagaon is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Kondagaon Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Kondagaon Tehsil.

Kondagaon Tehsil Overview

Kondagaon is Town and sub district in Bastar district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Kondagaon Tahsil. Total area of Kondagaon is 1,839 km² including 1,832 km² rural area and 7 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Kondagaon sub district, There are 182 villages in Kondagaon Tehsil.

Population of Kondagaon Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Kondagaon has a population of approximately 201,795 peoples which is divided into urban population is 30,921 and rular population is 170,874 The population density in Kondagaon sub district region is about 110 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 99,039 102,756 201,795
Rural 83,693 87,181 170,874
Urban 15,346 15,575 30,921

Households of Kondagaon Tehsil

There are about 42,783 houses in the Kondagaon sub district, including 7,014 urban houses and 35,769 rural houses. The average household size in Kondagaon sub district is about 4.72 person per household.

Type Households
Total 42,783
Rural 35,769
Urban 7,014

List Of Villages in Kondagaon Tehsil

Kondagaon district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 182 villages in Kondagaon Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Kondagaon Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adnar 710.99 724
Adwal 981.97 319
Ahkali 103.47 306
Amgaon 499.89 380
Arandwal 226.33 263
Badaloor 363.46 248
Badebanjoda 502.02 1343
Badebendri 1200.94 2664
Badebhirawand 416.07 946
Badekanera 4027.43 5334
Badekurusnar 431.5 914
Badeusari 769.64 236
Badko 703.92 538
Bafna 897.15 2250
Bakhara 781.45 1117
Balasar 85.9 615
Bamhani 927.01 3263
Baniyagaon 603.68 4739
Banjugani 879.98 1338
Bansgaon 827.45 1094
Bansirsi 88.4 156
Bawadi 224.08 231
Bayanar 889.64 1120
Becha 172 303
Betbeda 344 245
Bhagdeva 542.69 1359
Bhiragaon 509.2 989
Bhiragaon 225.71 1051
Bhogadi 438.94 663
Bolbola 619.55 806
Borgaon 537.28 737
Botha-Urf Kariyakata 185.8 446
Botiknera 1183.38 1109
Bunagaon 971.92 1233
Chalka 1386.39 746
Chamai 436 623
Changer 484 792
Chaudang 725.23 476
Cheemdi 583.89 713
Chema 1293.09 613
Cherang 828.9 612
Chhotebanjoda 305.14 669
Chhotebhirawand 345.78 865
Chhotekurusnar 228.93 245
Chhoteusari 681.65 466
Chichdongari 948.82 1134
Chichpolang 325.87 364
Chikhalputi 282.52 421
Chilputi 1133.82 2136
Chipawand 489.52 1484
Chotekoder 132.43 123
Dadhiya 618.26 418
Dahikonga 844.59 2307
Deokhargaon 351.06 535
Dhansuli 247.7 320
Dholmendri 205.93 217
Dongar Silati 956.93 813
Dongarigura 984.27 2332
Dudhgaon 285.39 277
Ehara 994.86 272
Farasgaon 310.85 210
Fukkagirola 326.98 619
Gadan Tarai 273.3 219
Ghodagaon 2948.24 2297
Girola 781.82 2292
Golawand 751.8 1703
Gulbha 518.54 359
Hadeli 274.36 364
Hadkali 512.75 679
Handapal 347.54 177
Hangwa 384 1453
Hasalnar 624.43 1165
Hasel 727.52 487
Hiramandla 1479.17 533
Indagaon 320.96 402
Isalnar 288.23 774
Jarebendri 257.29 457
Jhara 519.56 614
Joba 2138.97 2304
Jodenga 193.87 358
Jogi Alwad 822.66 417
Kachora 115.9 607
Kadenar 1047.28 723
Kakad Gaon 438 561
Kakadbeda 1046.24 732
Kamela 970.17 1138
Kanga 1330.05 1021
Karanji 647.22 1470
Karanpur 549.38 1249
Karathiallwad 531.51 302
Karsing 376 811
Katawand 143.5 567
Keelam 1176.53 555
Kejang 924.74 686
Keoti 622.2 581
Khachagaon 639.51 988
Khadpadi 1216.5 504
Khandam 439.62 872
Khodsanar 608.32 284
Kivaibalega 1252.62 1596
Kodagaon 285.54 373
Kohkadi 522.99 250
Kokodi 219.29 265
Kokodi 1043.49 2705
Konda Gaon 3059.2 2017
Kongera 779.09 631
Korhobeda 501.39 324
Kormel 818.2 352
Kotelbeda 35.5 175
Kudhur 2279.34 1096
Kukargarkapal 805.87 1292
Kuljhar 306.08 657
Kusma 394.19 2064
Lakhanpuri 174.85 210
Lakhapuri 668.47 661
Madagaon 593.02 301
Madanar 963.75 2054
Madhanar 246.64 329
Madodha 442.53 353
Makadi 1042.77 1660
Malakot 1793.43 2644
Malam(Viran) 187.05 19
Malgaon 1598.18 2395
Malnar 630.84 357
Mangwal 846.01 275
Mardapal 983.04 2416
Markapal 667.04 195
Marwabeda 136.17 535
Masora 2263.52 4290
Mathnibeda 45.2 355
Matwal 864.11 826
Mayur Dongar 202 427
Medhpal 80.6 242
Medpal 391 548
Mohlai 1089.35 1544
Mulmula 3526.94 5406
Mulnar 373.94 760
Mungapadar 594.36 1369
Mungwal 570.58 430
Nagari 257.25 594
Nahkanar 880.63 586
Nariha 760.3 745
Nawagaon 639.57 456
Neota 1133.5 1508
Nilji 251.43 600
Nugali 227.44 229
Padeli 411.92 370
Padnar 749.93 445
Pala 1421.74 744
Palari 370.47 1888
Palli 1052.73 3027
Paroda 640.7 259
Permapal 1643.12 533
Pohmar 477.64 558
Polang 469.77 1053
Pungarpal 494.84 221
Pusawand 411.13 974
Puspal 1649.35 1280
Rajagaon 1315.33 1325
Rakasmeta 297.8 81
Ranapal 398.95 746
Rengagondi 625.51 318
Sambalpur 1092.21 2730
Satgaon 555.28 1476
Sidhawand 275.07 290
Silati 761.64 778
Singanpur 221.4 810
Sirseebeda 50.3 85
Sitali 634.46 674
Sonabal 1059.48 3056
Sukurpal 990.02 1105
Tatri 219.26 276
Tekapal 572.69 360
Telanga 772.06 424
Temrugaon 822.66 536
Timenar 372.77 158
Todam 417.25 677
Totar 813.98 650
Tumdiwal 2521.13 872
Umargaon 496.76 457
Umargaon 506.45 1252
Usari 1097.7 684

Frequently Asked Question About Kondagaon Tehsil

How many villages are there in Kondagaon Tehsil ?

There are 182 villages in the Kondagaon Tehsil.

Is Kondagaon is rural or urban ?

Kondagaon is urban area.

What is the population of Kondagaon Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Kondagaon Tehsil is 201,795

How many town or city are there in Kondagaon Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Kondagaon Tehsil.


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