
Jagdalpur is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Jagdalpur Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Jagdalpur Tehsil.

Jagdalpur Tehsil Overview

Jagdalpur is Town and sub district in Bastar district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Jagdalpur Tahsil. Total area of Jagdalpur is 720 km² including 669 km² rural area and 50 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Jagdalpur sub district, There are 116 villages in Jagdalpur Tehsil.

Population of Jagdalpur Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Jagdalpur has a population of approximately 239,808 peoples which is divided into urban population is 125,463 and rular population is 114,345 The population density in Jagdalpur sub district region is about 333 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 120,903 118,905 239,808
Rural 56,914 57,431 114,345
Urban 63,989 61,474 125,463

Households of Jagdalpur Tehsil

There are about 55,378 houses in the Jagdalpur sub district, including 28,184 urban houses and 27,194 rural houses. The average household size in Jagdalpur sub district is about 4.33 person per household.

Type Households
Total 55,378
Rural 27,194
Urban 28,184

List Of Villages in Jagdalpur Tehsil

Jagdalpur district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 116 villages in Jagdalpur Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Jagdalpur Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Aasana 583.27 3987
Adawal 201.85 3945
Alkuralis Taipadar 137.52 147
Alnar 419.06 1077
Amagudha 315.18 1032
Atapharisemra 105.87 274
Babusemra 195.57 1141
Badebadam 112.92 266
Badebodal 541.43 732
Bademurma 360.57 1083
Bagraur 53.27 19
Balikonta 234.08 1099
Bamhani 228.34 1238
Benglur 107.09 193
Bhalugudha 60.01 111
Bhataguda 231.95 822
Bhejapadar 248.47 986
Bijaput 76.95 438
Billori 1009.5 3275
Biranpal 980.61 806
Biringpal 405.92 1258
Burundwadasemra 104.19 906
Chachalgur 311.17 353
Champal 45.81 0
Chhotebadam 67.85 125
Chhotebodal 54.33 145
Chhotekawali 255.91 799
Chhotemurma 169.47 355
Chilkuhati 337.29 591
Chitalgur 640 572
Chitapadar 179.46 669
Chokawada 1211.65 1532
Chor-Raas 192.22 0
Dhaniyaloor 901.63 2071
Dhanpunji 476.48 1783
Dhurguda 401.77 1607
Dongam 277.7 821
Gadaghat 404.95 0
Garawand Kalan 286.95 866
Garawand Khurd 148.34 653
Ghatpadmoor 516.45 2657
Gudiya 315.62 187
Gumalwada 758.62 498
Halbakachora 202.9 936
Hatpadmur 323.16 1228
Jamawada 2023.03 3388
Jatam 407.12 793
Jiragaon 271.76 342
Jojal 139.39 425
Kaikagarh 255.72 607
Kaikagarh Alis Charbhar 768.88 724
Kakarwada 391.82 753
Kalaguda 266.35 220
Kalcha 612.02 1552
Kalipur 542.76 2083
Karanpur 445.67 1580
Karkaguda 660.96 0
Karkapal 244.26 774
Kasturi 329.78 1042
Kawalikalan 536.62 893
Kawapal 837.22 531
Kerazodi 206.92 0
Khamargaon 258.02 943
Khidakhad 60.57 0
Khutpadar 252.25 609
Kolawada 306.17 375
Kondawal 189.15 751
Kopagudha 366.76 916
Korpal 433.56 553
Kudhurwada 144.7 0
Kulgaon 388.65 855
Kumhali 329.57 1199
Kumharawand 125.87 421
Kumharawand 146.18 912
Kurandi 2733.03 4585
Kusumpal 124.77 390
Machkot 172 250
Madpal 1522.2 2938
Manganpur 173.59 575
Mangdu Kachora 129.58 560
Manjhiguda 278.64 952
Markel 1385.03 3845
Milkulwada 160.6 156
Morathpalli 97.41 344
Nagalsar 268.85 437
Nagarnar 1252.77 3952
Naktisemera 284.06 903
Nangur 450.96 1673
Nawaguda 370.25 659
Negigudha 99.72 607
Netanar 1780.87 1981
Niyanar 840.09 2589
Palli 183.25 618
Pandripani 1560.2 3514
Parali 226.34 343
Parpa 360.32 1289
Potiyapal 492.76 155
Pulcha 104.32 245
Puspal 607.8 1957
Rampal 132.58 310
Sadgud 862.28 2030
Sargipal 485.24 1412
Shasankachora 60.2 303
Sidmur 271.36 1061
Surundwada 86.64 225
Tamakoni 125.17 222
Tamarwada 253.98 0
Teli Semra 23.58 84
Tiriya 265.64 429
Titirgaon 398.24 1467
Tolawada 44.13 56
Tondapal 290.51 595
Turenar 303.75 1249
Tusel 363.96 753
Ulnar 672.38 866
Upanpal 247.69 1242

Frequently Asked Question About Jagdalpur Tehsil

How many villages are there in Jagdalpur Tehsil ?

There are 116 villages in the Jagdalpur Tehsil.

Is Jagdalpur is rural or urban ?

Jagdalpur is urban area.

What is the population of Jagdalpur Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Jagdalpur Tehsil is 239,808

How many town or city are there in Jagdalpur Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Jagdalpur Tehsil.


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