
Farasgaon is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Farasgaon Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Farasgaon Tehsil.

Farasgaon Tehsil Overview

Farasgaon is Town and sub district in Bastar district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Farasgaon Tahsil. Total area of Farasgaon is 873 km² including 846 km² rural area and 27 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Farasgaon sub district, There are 103 villages in Farasgaon Tehsil.

Population of Farasgaon Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Farasgaon has a population of approximately 98,752 peoples which is divided into urban population is 6,306 and rular population is 92,446 The population density in Farasgaon sub district region is about 113 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 48,693 50,059 98,752
Rural 45,392 47,054 92,446
Urban 3,301 3,005 6,306

Households of Farasgaon Tehsil

There are about 20,692 houses in the Farasgaon sub district, including 1,478 urban houses and 19,214 rural houses. The average household size in Farasgaon sub district is about 4.77 person per household.

Type Households
Total 20,692
Rural 19,214
Urban 1,478

List Of Villages in Farasgaon Tehsil

Farasgaon district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 103 villages in Farasgaon Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Farasgaon Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Adwal 224.92 135
Almer 370.39 413
Alor 2175.19 3898
Amgaon 459 579
Badagaon 578.99 588
Bade Odagaon 379.99 638
Badedongar 3082.39 4667
Badgai 1313 688
Bail 379.88 661
Banchapai 961.46 1169
Bang Gaon 1038 2040
Bangoli 1198.48 1614
Banjoda 728.45 1494
Barda 928 530
Bhandarseoni 648.82 2358
Bhandarwandi 533.27 1159
Bhanpuri 909.92 1777
Bhongapal 875.36 646
Bhumka 467.54 906
Bokarabeda 847.15 872
Borgaon 427.28 794
Botha 161.91 323
Chandabeda 1043.46 1235
Chandabelgaon 122.68 150
Chandagaon 629.67 884
Chaniyagaon 1417.67 1351
Charkai 653.67 1064
Chhindali 1045.21 609
Chhindlibeda 624.06 768
Chhote Odagaon 623.85 398
Chichadi 1036 1251
Chingnar 1455 1204
Churegaon 492.11 833
Chyanar 789.48 580
Dawade 214.72 172
Deogaon 803.98 1177
Diganar 1063.43 530
Farasgaonkasai 748.48 608
Funder 925.52 1146
Fupgaon 704.33 1454
Futanchandgaon 509 531
Gattipalna 495.96 1152
Gawadi 925.41 598
Godema 682.2 1151
Gohada 275 302
Gumdi 417.77 376
Hatchapai 613.29 656
Hirri 443.41 1007
Jaitpuri 2019.72 2608
Jamgaon 412.09 604
Jhankari 615.9 549
Juganikalar 616.64 1563
Jungdai 134.97 40
Kabonga 1209.7 1582
Kakodajaganar 1088.36 1092
Kanhargaon 534.91 464
Karagaon 120.03 341
Kehlakot 300 242
Khandsara 746.7 540
Kolanga 431 201
Kondabeda 217.74 329
Kondapakhana 288.26 189
Kongud 2072 2528
Korai 409.63 619
Korrabadgaon 183 486
Kosagaon 348.85 719
Kotpad 501.74 693
Kulanar 578 397
Kulhadgaon 537.09 1152
Kumharbadgaon 541.86 961
Lanjoda 1315.95 4466
Madagaon 158.64 421
Madkada 507.11 360
Mainpur 713 672
Manjhiathagaon 847 1623
Misari 446 246
Mode 678.82 765
Mode Bedma 228.36 405
Modenga 564.03 520
Mohlai 431.19 762
Mohpal 1703.39 1022
Net 213.98 280
Painsara 370.21 611
Palna 1176 799
Pandeathgaon 692.88 1325
Paroda 594.49 417
Paschim Borgaon 222.73 392
Patla 231 354
Patoda 410 997
Pawdha 875.56 758
Purbi Borgaon 253.86 1297
Randhana 390 320
Sadadi 1768.59 433
Sarbeda 71.86 95
Shankarpur 90.82 391
Singarpuri 580.54 1034
Sirpur 590.28 853
Sirsiklar 1100.3 1194
Sodhma 277.06 802
Torand 191.58 529
Toyapal 233.24 214
Turki 680.74 378
Urendabeda 324.1 676

Frequently Asked Question About Farasgaon Tehsil

How many villages are there in Farasgaon Tehsil ?

There are 103 villages in the Farasgaon Tehsil.

Is Farasgaon is rural or urban ?

Farasgaon is urban area.

What is the population of Farasgaon Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Farasgaon Tehsil is 98,752

How many town or city are there in Farasgaon Tehsil ?

There are 1 town or city in the Farasgaon Tehsil.


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