
Bakavand is a Tehsil and city located in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. This article provides an in depth look at Bakavand Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Bakavand Tehsil.

Bakavand Tehsil Overview

Bakavand is Town and sub district in Bastar district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Bakavand Tahsil. Total area of Bakavand is 1,180 km² including 1,180 km² rural area and 0 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Bakavand sub district, There are 114 villages in Bakavand Tehsil.

Population of Bakavand Tehsil

As of the 2011 census, Bakavand has a population of approximately 149,823 peoples which is divided into urban population is 0 and rular population is 149,823 The population density in Bakavand sub district region is about 127 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 74,622 75,201 149,823
Rural 74,622 75,201 149,823
Urban 0 0 0

Households of Bakavand Tehsil

There are about 34,621 houses in the Bakavand sub district, including 0 urban houses and 34,621 rural houses. The average household size in Bakavand sub district is about 4.33 person per household.

Type Households
Total 34,621
Rural 34,621
Urban 0

List Of Villages in Bakavand Tehsil

Bakavand district is divided into several Tehsil or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 114 villages in Bakavand Tehsil. The following is a list of villages in Bakavand Tehsil.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Amadula 145.8 280
Badedeoda 701.18 2019
Badlawand 480.15 804
Bagraiy 959.97 372
Bajawand 412.34 2014
Bakawand 574.1 3048
Balputi 166.78 276
Baniagoan 342.72 529
Baniyagaon 227.39 1195
Barda 409.29 1116
Barejirakhal 730.96 996
Bedagaon 261.81 158
Bedaumargaon 463.02 1675
Belgaon 221.91 565
Belputi 1359.68 2167
Bhejripadar 327.79 1359
Bhiranda 166.33 516
Bhirlinga 294.44 773
Borigaon 1056.46 1523
Borigaon 80.4 379
Borpadar 425.78 1032
Chapapadar 293.15 732
Chargaon 258.51 832
Chhinari 571.61 1212
Chhindgaon 2210.78 3244
Chhote Deoda 1043.5 3748
Chhotejirakhal 125.8 1020
Chikhalkarmari 126.81 321
Chitaloor 760.2 1367
Chiurgaon 898.91 2338
Choknar 535.75 759
Choknar Alis Bangla Dongri 0 317
Cholnar 1116.56 1469
Dabaguda 313.16 585
Dasapal 526.16 827
Dhanpur 671.65 1471
Dhobiguda 212.59 814
Dhodrepal 344.92 1025
Dimrapal 318.7 1656
Durkabeda 208.63 198
Farasara 267.15 713
Garenga 1175.52 1706
Girola 622.94 498
Gumdel 214.77 783
Irikpal 162.54 894
Jaibel 1778.33 3375
Jaitgiri 620.77 1880
Jharumargaon 798.4 1327
Junawani 1024.86 1209
Kachnar 488.66 1693
Kanapal 40.94 33
Karanji 237.66 582
Kareetgaon 201.87 931
Karpawand 1493.18 3984
Kaundawand 1335.07 2302
Khotalapal 481.72 925
Kinjoli 1545.5 3058
Koalchur Alis Bamhani 32.21 0
Kodomali 40.01 190
Kohkapal 430.8 1936
Kolawali 1134.33 3474
Komar 385.12 784
Korpal 56.82 136
Korta 876.82 1447
Kosmi 1635.35 2529
Kumhrawand 465.68 1045
Kuruspal 64.54 375
Lawagaon 310.04 1062
Mailbeda 572.51 872
Malamunda 43.9 0
Malgaon 696.69 1857
Mangnar 1945 3466
Maretha 510.86 1578
Masgaon 565.44 1619
Matnar 709.22 1687
Metawada 290.68 672
Mohlai 289.44 735
Mohlai 309 808
Mokhagaon 121.49 532
Mongrapal 1044.17 1956
Muli 341.48 1251
Nalpawand 527.72 1547
Narawand 271.98 652
Neganar 356.53 1051
Pahurbel 1353.52 3038
Paikpal 311.47 788
Pandanar 276.02 561
Pathri 881.42 1667
Pharasgaon 461.3 1148
Pithapur 300.6 795
Potiawand 425.27 1266
Rajnagar 2427.46 4216
Rampal 209.01 595
Sandeoda 387.35 462
Sandkarmari 1487.11 3052
Sargipal 148.77 1309
Satlawand 939.3 1583
Satosa 2529.16 3608
Saunra 757.7 1653
Sautpur 745.59 1923
Simoda 105.22 225
Sodkarmari 365 253
Sonpur 1251.31 2629
Sukrapal 41.68 0
Suwachondi 429.65 713
Talnar 498.54 1882
Tarapur 608.56 2811
Tareka 203.63 550
Tempalkomar 149.14 184
Tongkongera 778.01 860
Toohatideoda 330.39 523
Tungapal 623.1 610
Udiyapal 498.63 1463
Ulnar 3550.35 3571

Frequently Asked Question About Bakavand Tehsil

How many villages are there in Bakavand Tehsil ?

There are 114 villages in the Bakavand Tehsil.

Is Bakavand is rural or urban ?

Bakavand is urban area.

What is the population of Bakavand Tehsil ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Bakavand Tehsil is 149,823

How many town or city are there in Bakavand Tehsil ?

There are 0 town or city in the Bakavand Tehsil.


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