
Ghoghardiha is a Subdivision and city located in the state of Bihar, India. This article provides an in depth look at Ghoghardiha Sub District overview, population, demographic information, household data, administration, and a list of villages in Ghoghardiha Subdivision.

Ghoghardiha Subdivision Overview

Ghoghardiha is Town and sub district in Madhubani district of Maharashtra serves as administrative headquarter of Ghoghardiha Tahsil. Total area of Ghoghardiha is 168 km² including 160 km² rural area and 9 km² urban area. When it about rural area of Ghoghardiha sub district, There are 49 villages in Ghoghardiha Subdivision.

Population of Ghoghardiha Subdivision

As of the 2011 census, Ghoghardiha has a population of approximately 193,088 peoples which is divided into urban population is 18,257 and rular population is 174,831 The population density in Ghoghardiha sub district region is about 1,146 persons per square kilometer.

# Male Female Total
Total 99,142 93,946 193,088
Rural 89,555 85,276 174,831
Urban 9,587 8,670 18,257

Households of Ghoghardiha Subdivision

There are about 36,741 houses in the Ghoghardiha sub district, including 3,257 urban houses and 33,484 rural houses. The average household size in Ghoghardiha sub district is about 5.26 person per household.

Type Households
Total 36,741
Rural 33,484
Urban 3,257

List Of Villages in Ghoghardiha Subdivision

Ghoghardiha district is divided into several Subdivision or tehsils for administrative convenience. There are 49 villages in Ghoghardiha Subdivision. The following is a list of villages in Ghoghardiha Subdivision.

Villages Area (km2) Population
Alola 222 1636
Amahi 311.95 3146
Az Rakbe Sudai 75.9 1459
Az Rakbe Sudai 22.7 1262
Balan Sher 106 0
Baranjhula 239.92 3333
Barhampur 1742.6 17882
Barhampur 62 6728
Baswari 749.12 8724
Bathnaha 298.96 3375
Behrari 168.8 1372
Belmohan 270.94 3572
Bhabtiahi 510.7 4227
Bhirahar 141 1304
Biraul 192.2 1619
Bishuharia 185.3 2185
Bishunpur 188 2541
Chhojrena 797.6 4145
Chikna 327.8 3923
Deonathpatti 277.6 2769
Dhabghat 102.8 1689
Dhanpat Barhi 26.9 508
Ekhara 98.7 1849
Harari 257.28 3168
Hatni 350.9 3499
Hulaspatti 208 2219
Indarwa 209 2826
kasirampatti 20.6 261
Kewatna 439.1 5849
khopa 85.2 1391
kiritpur 120.6 1277
Konar 194.8 2899
Lachhminia 60.3 2724
Mahadewa 146 1966
Mainahi 529.05 5169
Nathopur 74.9 600
Nawabakhar 391.7 3012
Nighma 190.6 2438
Parsa 1220.1 16704
Pipra Kamalpur 142 1355
Pipraulia 91.1 1334
Pirojgarh 727.6 8394
Rajuahi 144.1 1984
Sahorwa 162.7 2063
Sangi 720 9655
Sarauti 436.7 6560
Sudai Ratauli 930.35 5081
Tharbitia 214.1 1259
Tilat 381.59 1896

Frequently Asked Question About Ghoghardiha Subdivision

How many villages are there in Ghoghardiha Subdivision ?

There are 49 villages in the Ghoghardiha Subdivision.

Is Ghoghardiha is rural or urban ?

Ghoghardiha is urban area.

What is the population of Ghoghardiha Subdivision ?

As of the 2011 census, The population of Ghoghardiha Subdivision is 193,088

How many town or city are there in Ghoghardiha Subdivision ?

There are 1 town or city in the Ghoghardiha Subdivision.


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